Ann Jarden has been with CIP for 6 years
We have 19 offices and all 150 advisors are Authorised Financial Advisors.
I have clients that range from children contributing $50 per month right through to retired people that have sold their farm or business; and now need a monthly income to supplement their pension.
Clients can invest in funds, such as our wholly owned subsidiary Quay Street and/or directly into Companies.
Clients can download our APP and easily check on their Kiwisaver, My Start account, or managed funds.
Clients deal directly with me and I am supported by our 15 research analysts based in Tauranga and Auckland
The top of mind issues for us at the moment are looking for Companies that offer good value and keeping an eye on the China vs US potential trade war.
China and Australia are our biggest trading partners so that is significant.
NZ economy is in strong position however high levels of household debt.
Recently we won broker of the year award and our Quay Street Equity Fund has been the top performing NZ retail fund.
I am happy to answer any questions you may have, feel free to get in touch - 027 643 7871